Spring Guide Trip Special through April 15th! Visit our Trips page for more info.

Saturday, May 1, 2021

1590 @ Ennis - The Lower Madison is still a great option although the fishing has been a little spotty over the past few days. Wind has been the biggest factor but as that settles down, look for the possibility of Caddis maybe next week. Baetis are still around when the wind dies down. Nymphing has still been the best option and most consistent. Water clarity is good at the moment.

Recommended Flies:

Clouser Cray #8
Rubberlegs #8
Soft Hackle Hare's Ear #14
Egg Pattern #16
Master Baetis #16

Also in Lower Madison River Fishing Report

Saturday, June 12th, 2021

June 12, 2021 1 min read

1730 CFS @ Ennis - The Lower Madison has continued to stay low and fish well. There have been good hatches of PMDs, Yellow Sallies, and Caddis. Nymphing has been the best bet with crayfish, stonefly patterns and PMD, Yellow Sally, or caddis nymphs. Dry fly fishing has been spotty but certainly productive if you stick with it.

Recommended Flies:

Clouser Cray #10
Nosepicker PMD #16
TB Yellow Sally #12
Para PMD #16
Chubby Sally #12

Monday, June 7, 2021

June 07, 2021 1 min read

2870 CFS @ Ennis - Zirdle bugs and crayfish have been the name of the game on the Lower Madison recently. Drifting them below an indicator and giving intermittent short strips have resulted in a good number of strikes. Flows have crept up a bit to nearly 3,000 CFS, but the water temperatures reached the higher 60s last week, so be careful not to play the fish too long once you have them hooked.

Recommended Flies:  

Zirdle Camo #10

G6 Caddis #6

BH Yellow Sally #14

Neversink Sally #14

Missing Link Caddis #16

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

June 01, 2021 1 min read

2070 CFS @ Ennis - Spring is a great time to be on the Lower Madison. Crayfish are always on the menu and nymphing them through deeper runs can produce some nice fish. Flows have been fluctuating a little bit, but the fishing has been steady with nymphs and turns on in the evenings with dry flies. Bring along some caddis and yellow sallies, as they've been out and about as the day warms up.

Recommended Flies:

Zirdle Camo #10

G6 Caddis #6

BH Yellow Sally #14

Neversink Sally #14

Missing Link Caddis #16