Spring Guide Trip Special through April 15th! Visit our Trips page for more info.
Spring Guide Trip Special through April 15th! Visit our Trips page for more info.
April 29, 2024
December 20, 2023
Interested in learning to tie your own flies? Join The River's Edge this fall for a three-week Beginner Fly Tying Class. We’ll cover basic tools and techniques along with a handful of simple, reliable patterns to get you started on your own fly-tying journey.
October 12, 2023
It's fall, and the temperatures are dropping...but the streamer action is hot. In the spirit of streamer junkies everywhere, we've decided to highlight one of our favorite ways to fish for an entire week.
WHAT: It's STREAMER WEEK, a six-day streamerpalooza at both of our stores. We've got a lot of great stuff lined up, such as:
September 03, 2023
After working in the shop the past two summers, as well as instructing some of our Fly Fishing Classes, I’ve gotten to interact with tons of new anglers who are just getting started. One of the biggest takeaways I’ve found from these interactions, is that people are really intimidated by the knowledge surrounding fly fishing, specifically knots and different rigs.
Perhaps one of the most helpful, time-saving tools/gear I’ve ever come across is the tippet ring. Many of you have probably already heard of them, but with how much it has helped clients and customers, I feel the need to reintroduce.
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